Now that Sofia can crawl, it's no longer good enough. She wants to stand and pull up on everything. I bet we all know the outcome of that...bruises. I feel bad for her, but falling doesn't seem to deter her from using the coffee table as her own personal cruiser. Today she took two dives, one caused a small, bloody chin and the other caused a bruise on her cheek. I just hope someone doesn't call child protective services. (It's actually not as bad as it sounds.) I feel so bad letting it happen, but at the same time I want her to learn and get better, and that's not going to happen if I never let her practice. Don't get me wrong, I would never let her do anything that is unsafe or very dangerous, but still. Anyone have any suggestions of how I could change things or make it better?

Anyway, Sofia and I had a nice full day. We went for a walk to the mailbox this morning (not our personal box, but the blue one for outgoing mail, which is down the street.) After Sofia's first nap and lunch we went to Kohls where I found a couple of cute things for Sofia, including a stuffed chicken. (See picture) Then we went to the "poor man's zoo," otherwise known as Petsmart. Sofia got a big kick out of the parakeets and kittens. I tried to get her into the bunnies, but she could have cared less. We finally stopped at Panera for some takeout and as I was ordering, one of the cashiers asked to hold Sofia. Okay, she didn't so much ask as reach out her hands and take her, but whatever. Then tonight, after a very yummy dinner made by Ryan, all three of us took a couple of laps around the apartment complex. Sofia was fascinated by Ryan's skateboarding. She wouldn't take her eyes off of him. We met a couple of ten year old boys along the way who were equally as fascinated. So much in fact that they followed us a little way and kept calling out tricks for Ryan to do on his skateboard. All in all, a very fulfilling day.