Well, maybe it hasn't been that long, but sometimes it feels like forever between blogs. You would think I have been extremely busy or something, but no, just lazy. Well, that and I haven't had anything exciting to write about. Unless you find drooling, baby poop, and spitting up appealing (and I'm sure some of you do.) I didn't see Sofia for practically 24 hours and I swear she grew up just a little during that time. I left for work at 4:30 p.m. yesterday, and by the time I got home she was in bed. I saw her twice during the night. We have this ritual where she turns herself around and smooshes her body into the head of the crib, then whimpers and cries, and I come in and move her back down towards the bottom. Sometimes she does this a few times during the night. I'm sure she would be fine, but I still can't help and worry that she's going to suffocate herself against the crib bumper. Anyway, this morning I left for Dayton before she was awake (and before I like to be awake too.) 6:45 a.m. to be precise. I had a big library conference to go to. That's right, I'm hitting the big times now baby! Anyway, I got home around 6 p.m . to find Sofia and Ryan in her room, staring at themselves in the big closet mirror. Okay, so Ryan was staring at himself and Sofia was making out with herself in the mirror. We're talking big wet smooches, lots of tongue. I think she was practicing because when I picked her up, she put her arms around my neck and gave me one of those smooches she had been working on. Love it and love her! She and I continued to play the evening away and by the time I fed her dinner, Sofia was about to pass out from exhaustion. I guess she didn't sleep too much at the babysitter's, plus Ryan had to wake her up an hour earlier than usual so that he could take her there in time for him to make it to work. Anyway, after a quick bath and some book reading (in Sofia's case some book chomping) I put her to bed...or so I thought. Not ten minutes later I hear her crying. Usually she's really good and goes right to sleep. What can I say, Ryan and I have it easy when it comes to her sleeping. Anyway, I walk into Sofia's room to find her sitting up in the corner of her crib, looking a little bewildered. That's when Ryan said, "I think it's time to move the crib mattress down." I couldn't agree more. So, out of her bed she went, down went the crib mattress, and back to bed. My baby is growing up! And now...after that long speech, here are some cute pictures I recently took. Enjoy!

1 comment:
"tunnel vision"
"green bean queen"
"future cafeteria ladies of america"
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