Thursday, June 25, 2009

Support Ohio Libraries

Sofia and I did a couple of things this morning. First we tried Yoga for preschoolers and their parents. Let me just say that I enjoyed it. Sofia, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled. She didn't want to try the poses, she sat on some steps and pouted, she told me wanted to go outside, she cried. There were only 4 other little girls in the class - and they all participated. I tried to engage Sofia, but she just wasn't having it. I was a little disappointed because I thought she would get into it. She's always clowning around at home. I thought that maybe she's just not that used to structure and other kids since she's always home with me. Who knows? If I had the money, I would have signed up for the 6-week session, but after today I'm glad I didn't. I've thought about getting her into gymnastics or dance, something to help blow off steam and get her around more kids. Hmm...maybe something to look into if I can find a place that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

The other place we went was down to the Statehouse to the Save Ohio Libraries Rally. This is a big deal to me, not only because I work in a library, but also because libraries and books have greatly impacted my life. I can remember riding my bike up to the Mt. Washington library in the summer to get books, or going to the Batavia library and attending an origami program. I want Sofia to be able to have these same experiences. Keep your fingers crossed that the budget committee will figure something out! The rally attracted a few hundred people, including lots of parents and kids. Sofia was on my shoulders at one point and was clapping along with everyone else. I also had her saying, "Save Ohio libraries!" We didn't stay too long because of the heat, but I'm glad we got a chance to go.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I finally, after three years, bought chairs and plants for the back patio. It looks a lot better and is lot more comfortable to sit. I also bought play sand and filled up Sofia's green plastic turtle. She has a blast in there, however, I think she had more fun the day I bought the new green tub to put her balls and toys in. What do you think?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Slate Run

This was a couple of weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to post until now. Sofia, Ryan and I went to Slate Run Living Historical Farm in Lithopolis a couple of Saturdays ago and I just have to say that it was so cool. It's a restored 1880 farm house with barns, livestock, and costumed volunteers. We saw women weeding the garden, a guy plowing a field and planting pumpkins, as well as lots of animals: geese, ducks, pigs, chickens, sheep, horses. Sofia liked it to, except that by the time we were there, she was a little grumpy and tired. She didn't want to see the pigs and instead stood outside holding her nose say it was too stinky in there. She did enjoy playing with the marbles and other 19th century toys that were laid out. I think she would have played all day. Ryan and I attempted to walk on the stilts - well, okay, my attempt was lame, but I wasn't about to fall on my ass and make a fool of myself. I left that for Ryan (he didn't fall, though). It's such a neat place that we're planning on going back in the fall when it's a little cooler out. I highly recommend it to anyone living in the area. Gotta love those metro parks!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

One of my worst nightmares came true yesterday afternoon. Sofia took a head-dive out of the grocery cart while shopping. I feel partly to blame (okay. mostly) because I let her sit in the big part where the groceries go. We were in the chip aisle, I turned around for one second, and when I turned back everything was in slow motion as I watched Sofia fall. Head first. Onto the ground. Oh, it was horrible. At first I was afraid she broke her arm or something because of the way she landed, but then I realized that she hit her head pretty hard. A big goose egg popped up right above her right eyebrow along with a couple of other bruises. I had to leave the cart with all the groceries in the store (I told someone first.) Because this has never happened, I called the doctor to see what I should do. He had me come on in, even though it was almost 5 p.m. on a Friday, so that he could check her out. We wound up sitting in the office for close to an hour and a half, and by that time I could tell Sofia was fine. She was running, yelling, crying - everything she normally did. When we were driving home, she sat in the back saying, "I fell out of the cart. It was mommy's fault." I'm so glad she learned her lesson.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sofia, Ryan and I went to Roosters tonight for some much needed chicken wings. Sofia was awesome. Sometimes we have problems with her throwing things and getting bored, but not tonight. She sat next to me in the booth and proceeded to hug me, over and over and over again. At onr point she was hugging me and said, "Mommy, you're my best friend." How cute is that? It was one of the sweetest things I ever heard come out of her mouth. Then after that she started "mixing" up a yummy cocktail of lemonade, lettuce, mustard, ranch and applesauce - and yes, she took a drink. Future bartender? Perhaps.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Phoenix 2009

I should have posted sooner, maybe right after we got back from vacation, but hopefully I'll remember everything.
Day 1 : Flying with Toddlers
It was hard. It was loud. It was squirmy. Jessica can vouch for that. Poor Sydney had been sick for days - hacking cough, runny nose - so we were a little worried about how she would do flying. Sofia I wasn't too worried about since this was her third time flying. It was a long day. Our first flight didn't leave until 5 p.m., which means by the time we got to the airport, Sofia hadn't napped all day. She wasn't happy when we had to go through security. She started crying when she realized that bunny would have to ride through the x-ray. She was sobbing as she walked through the metal detectors, but luckily a really nice, grandmotherly-type worker was on the other side. Sofia walked right up to the staff worker and hugged her. It was actually quite cute. We flew, had a layover in Houston, and then flew some more. Sofia slept most of the second leg and Sydney tried to sleep. By the time we got to Phoenix it was almost 10 p.m. their time, 1 a.m. out time. We were all a little out of sorts and exhausted. I really thought Sofia would sleep in the next morning - no such luck. She woke up at 7 a.m.

Day 2 - We went out to breakfast. It's amazing how long a day seems when you're up at 7 a.m. By the time we were done eating and had visted the dollar store, we were all exhausted and it was nap time. We went swimming that afternoon, and really that's all I remember. The day was a bit of a blur. We capped off the evening by watching Beauty and the Beast in Mom's room with the little girls and us piled on the bed.

Day 3 - Today we went to the Phoenix Zoo, which was a lot of fun. We tried to get there early, to beat the heat. it was a balmy 100 degrees. Sofia had fun riding the carousel and looking at the animals. However, she threw a fit when we wouldn't let her play in the fountains. We were trying to save those until later, so she pouted. We looked at tortoises, she pouted. Finally she found a little fountain that she could put her hands in and she was happy. Then we finally let her play in the play fountains and she was in heaven. Sydney, on the other hand, didn't really know what to think. Tonight we watched Aladdin with the little girls.

Day 4 - I think we went to Target this day. Target in Phoenix isn't any different than Target in Columbus. We also got Sofia and Sydney's pictures taken at a studio. They did pretty well, and Sofia got a really good shot. I cooked dinner in the evening and it was tasty. Pan-fried chicken breast with a mustard balsamic sauce with mashed potatoes and asparagus.

Day 5 - Today, Mom, Jessica, the girls and I rode to Tortilla Flats. Along the way we stopped at an old mining town that has been redone for tourists. We walked around, drank frozed lemonade, and then hopped into the car to see Roosevelt Damn. At one point, as we driving through the curving roads of the mountains, I really thought Sofia was going to blow chunks. Luckily, she didn't. We finished our evening with the final Disney selection: Cinderella.

Day 6 - hmm, this day was probably the most memorable. Not because we were heading back to Columbus, but because Sofia got sick and threw up all over herself in the car on the way to the airport. It was gross. We had to switch out carseats and leave mom with the icky one. I had Sofia standing in nothing but a diaper in the parking garage attempting to wipe her down with wipes and change her clothes. It was not fun. Plus, this was the leg of the trip that Jessica and I were separated on the plane. The woman next to me was nice enough to agree to trade with Jess, but the next thing I knew, she came back and said that my sister decided to stay ( a decision she would later regret.) So, this very nice woman sat by the window and we had Sofia in the middle seat. I did warn her that Sofia had gotten sick earlier, just in case it happened again. Well, this was probably the best leg of the trip for me. Sofia was asleep before we were even out of the gate, and she slept the entire 2 and a half hours. These were nice planes too because they had televisions in the back of each seat, so I was able to watch a movie and t.v. The last leg of the trip, from Houston to Columbus, Sofia wound up sleeping again and I had Sydney passed out on me as well for over an hour. I didn't mind because I figured Jessica needed a break.
It was an awesome trip and I can't believe it came and went so quickly!