Saturday, June 20, 2009

One of my worst nightmares came true yesterday afternoon. Sofia took a head-dive out of the grocery cart while shopping. I feel partly to blame (okay. mostly) because I let her sit in the big part where the groceries go. We were in the chip aisle, I turned around for one second, and when I turned back everything was in slow motion as I watched Sofia fall. Head first. Onto the ground. Oh, it was horrible. At first I was afraid she broke her arm or something because of the way she landed, but then I realized that she hit her head pretty hard. A big goose egg popped up right above her right eyebrow along with a couple of other bruises. I had to leave the cart with all the groceries in the store (I told someone first.) Because this has never happened, I called the doctor to see what I should do. He had me come on in, even though it was almost 5 p.m. on a Friday, so that he could check her out. We wound up sitting in the office for close to an hour and a half, and by that time I could tell Sofia was fine. She was running, yelling, crying - everything she normally did. When we were driving home, she sat in the back saying, "I fell out of the cart. It was mommy's fault." I'm so glad she learned her lesson.

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