I wish I could say exciting things have been going on since I last posted, but alas, not too much has been happening. Easter was uneventful. We elected not to get an Easter basket for Sofia (I know, bad parents) but we will next year. She'll be more aware of what's going on next year, which will make it more fun. Sofia's been showing more signs of teething, ear rubbing and general crankiness, but no signs of little teeth erupting. Poor thing's been suffering through all of this for months. I keep hoping something will pop up soon. Today Sofia and I had fun playing in my bedroom all day. I've been getting bored of just hanging out in the living room day after day, as I'm sure she is, so we spent almost the entire day in my room. It was a lot of fun and Sofia was very good the whole time. She played on the bed while I was able to get some pictures into albums, watch some Anne of Green Gables (one of my all-time favorites) and just chill. We did have one little accident. As I was talking to Ryan on the phone, Sofia took a slight header into the wall. And it was the corner or the wall too. My poor baby has her first bruise on her forehead. It was bound to happen sometime with all of the reaching and grabbing she does. Just another milestone, I guess. We ended this exciting day with a trip to Tuffy's to drop off my car (brakes need to be fixed), then dinner at Damon's, and finally a quick trip to Target for more diapers. Until next time...

Sofia's favorite new thing to do...clap!

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