Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lazy Sunday

What a ham! Russ, Vanessa and their little girl, Genevieve, came over so we could all go out to lunch today. Sofia thought Genevieve was a human jungle gym. She tried to grab her hair, pull up on her, grab her face. Genevieve was a good sport. We all went to COSI (yum) and pretty much took over a corner of the restaurant. My, how things have changed from a year ago! We all used to go to bars until 2 a.m., now we go to lunch at 2:30 p.m. At least we all get to hang out together and we both understand what each other is going through. So, when we all trek out together, it's not a big deal.

By the way, Sofia really is a crawling machine, kind of. She works her way around the floor, it just may take an hour for her to make a complete turn. Now she's able to go from her stomach, to sitting, which helps me because now I don't have to go over, put her on her tushy and then watch her fall back on her stomach. And repeat. She's just growing up so fast!

And she's off!

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