What a way for Sofia and I to end our trip. Tonight we had tickets to Ringling Brothers circus. It was awesome, I felt like I was 8 years old again. Our tickets were great because they were through Mom's work, which means we were in a suite with two other families. "What's the big deal?" you may ask. Well, let me tell you. First of all, we were dead center in the arena, it was a perfect view. Second, the suite had free food, chicken tenders and nachos as well as soda, water and really good cheesecake. We had our own private bathroom and really comfy seats. Having this type of accomadations with a avery small child was awesome. As for the show, it was really good. Sofia didn't know what to think at first. She just sat on my lap, eyes as big as saucers, and her thumb stuck firmly in her mouth. After about 15 minutes she started to get into the music. She was clapping. She was bouncing. She was having a blast. Then she was asleep. I was impressed that she lasted the first hour. She slept the rest of the show, only waking up once during and then after it was over. It was a fun way to end our vacation and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now I'm feeling a little bittersweet about leaving. Sad to leave Mom, but happy to see Ryan. Too bad Sofia will never remember this trip, but at least I have this blog to keep as a record of our first, but certainly not last, time in Phoenix, Arizona!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Arizona Part 2

It's still hot here. Just thought you'd like to know. Sofia and I are still enjoying ourselves. I woke up at 6:45 a.m. this morning to the sounds of people moving into the apartment upstairs. They are from New Hampshire and still on East Coast time. I don't mind getting my day started early while on vacation. I got a lot accomplished this morning. By 8:15 a.m., Sofia was fed, I had put a whole turkey in the oven and we were in the pool. The turkey was a gift for my stepdad for Christmas, and Mom decided that we should just go ahead and cook it. Luckily, I have three years of Thanksgiving turkeys under my belt and I was prepared. After our eventful morning, I put Sofia down for a nap and relaxed. I was able to finish my book (7 points on my summer reading club card, only three more to go!)

Mom came home early from work and the three of us went into downtown Chandler. It's a ghost town during the day with the heat and all. No one is stupid enough to go out in the heat, except for tourists. We only walked around for about 15 minutes before we escaped into the air conditioning at the Chandler Public Library. Not to be conceited or anything, but I wasn't very impressed. The outside of the building was cool and very modern, but I was a little surprised by how old a lot of the books were. Most of the stuff would have been weeded at my library. Plus, the Children's section was disappointing. No storytime area or anything (although there was a quiet reading area, go figure.) They did have a little cafe/gift shop run by their Friends of the Library which was very nice and sold some really yummy fudge.

We ended the day at the pool, just like I wish I could do everyday. Well, technically I can since my apartment complex has a pool, but half the time the water is too cold and I'm just lazy.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sofia and I are in Arizona. I must say, getting here was much easier than I imagined. I was so worried about security at the airport and then I was afraid Sofia would cry on the plane. All of it was so easy...maybe a little too easy. Sofia only cried for maybe 5 minutes on the flight to Chicago, and that was because she was tired. I would have cried too, it was a small plane and there was a rather large gentleman seated next to us. Sofia slept the last 20 minutes of the flight and woke up after we got into O'Hare. Now talk about a big airport! Our next flight's gate was only a short distance away, so we were able to grab some lunch. The flight out to Phoenix wasn't bad at all. We lucked out and somehow ended up with an empty seat between us and the other passenger. Sofia kept herself busy by playing, looking out the window and munching on so snacks. The total flight was a little over three hours and Sofia was able to sleep for a little over an hour. I was happy when we landed and I'm sure I had a big goofy grin on my face as I walked up to Mom. I must say, it is hot out here. HOT. No getting around it. Sofia has been a real trooper though. The time change has been rough, and we both woke up at 6 a.m. (9 a.m. Ohio time.) She's kept up though. Today, after Mom and Ken woke up, we went out to breakfast and then drove an hour and a half to Payson, AZ. They're thinking of buying a small vacation home out that way and it gave me a good chance to see the desert. Sofia slept. The temp. there was a lot better than in Phoenix since we were about 5000 feet up. We went to a park, ate some lunch and drove around. After a couple of hours we headed back. I think one of the weirdest things out here is the cacti (is that really the plural of cactus?). They look so alien. Well, once we got back to the apartment, we all went for a much needed swim. They have a really nice pool here and the water was the perfect temperature, just bordering on bath water. Sofia had a great time in the pool practicing her kicking and putting her face in the water. I swear, nothing bothers that girl...not time changes, planes, or face fulls of pool water. Well, even though it's only 9:30 p.m. here, my poor body is still on Columbus time. Tomorrow we have nothing planned since everyone else has to go to work, so I plan on laying around, maybe going swimming, and sleeping. I hope everyone is having fun in Columbus (not to rub it in that I'm on vacation!). We miss you Ryan!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Only One More Day
Wow, I'm so excited about Phoenix I could puke. Seriously, my stomach is that upset. I can't wait!! I stocked up with books at the library today. I want Sofia to have something brand new to look at on the plane to keep her occupied. I talked to my mom yesterday and she was telling me about some of the stuff she had planned. Unfortunately she couldn't take too much time off, but that's okay. I'm just happy to see her.
So, on Sunday we plan on going to the Phoenix Zoo in the morning. Sofia hasn't been to any zoo yet, Ryan and I were waiting on going to the Columbus Zoo. Then on Wednesday we're going to the Ringling Brothers circus. I can not tell you the last time I went to the circus. Probably when I was eight or something. The best part is we've got seats in one of the suites. Cool! The only bad part is it'll be close to Sofia's bedtime, but if we're in a suite, we should have room to put her. This week is going to be so much fun. We'll miss Ryan, I wish he could come too, but he'll have fun.
I promise to take lots of pictures and talk all about the trip.
So, on Sunday we plan on going to the Phoenix Zoo in the morning. Sofia hasn't been to any zoo yet, Ryan and I were waiting on going to the Columbus Zoo. Then on Wednesday we're going to the Ringling Brothers circus. I can not tell you the last time I went to the circus. Probably when I was eight or something. The best part is we've got seats in one of the suites. Cool! The only bad part is it'll be close to Sofia's bedtime, but if we're in a suite, we should have room to put her. This week is going to be so much fun. We'll miss Ryan, I wish he could come too, but he'll have fun.
I promise to take lots of pictures and talk all about the trip.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I just had to add that Sofia was so good at my library meeting today. I've been bringing her along to our Harry Potter Party planning meetings (because I have no babysitter for the middle of the week) and she is always so good! She crawled around on the floor and under the tabe, played with some books, and talked a lot. The ladies at the library love her (which I am very thankful and lucky). I'm just glad that even though Sofia is only 9 months old, she is already so well-behaved in public. (I'm sure I'll be kicking myself in a few years for making this very comment.)
For the Love of Books!

Well, there is no doubt in my mind that Sofia is definetly Ryan and my child. She's been playing and looking at her books more and more (that would be my influence) and she's also learned to get into the kitchen cabinets and has started playing with the pots and pans (that would be Ryan's influence.) She's getting into everything and I love it. It's really amazing to see how much she has learned and to watch her thinking behind her eyes.
So, three days until we leave for Phoenix! I'm so excited! On the other hand I'm nervous about the whole flying thing. Well, more so the whole packing and bringing a baby on the plane thing. I've been doing my research and have checked out the TSA site, but still. Wish me luck! If anyone has any advice on flying with infants, please feel free to comment. I'll take all of the advice I can get.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
Today is father's day, so I dedicate this post to Ryan. What can I say, he's a wonderful father. He helps around the house, does most of the cooking and shares in equally when it comes to Sofia. I'll be honest and say that not everything is always perfect (how boring if it was) but our little family is awesome and I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's a little montage of pictures of Sofia and Ryan.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Funny Girl
Sofia just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Every day she just acts like a total cheese-ball, and I love it. Only one week until we leave for Phoenix! I'm so excited. Mom wrote me an e-mail and said that it was getting to the really hot part of the summer, with temperatures close to 110 degrees. Ugh! Luckily their apartment has air conditioning and a pool right out the front door. I've also stocked up on sunscreen! (I should buy a share in Coppertone, I'd be rich with all of the sunscreen I have to use.) Summer is really started to swing into motion and I can't wait for all of the exciting things we're doing!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Na Na Na

So, that's what Sofia has been saying since Monday..."nananana." I have no clue where she picked it up. She just all of a sudden picked it up on Monday.
We had a fun weekend. Summer reading started on Saturday at the library...very busy. Then Sunday, Sofia and I drove down to Cincinnati to go to my grade school's festival. It was fun. Chelsea and I walked there, even though Sofia's stupid wheel kept coming off of her stroller. We won her some fun prizes, like a tambourine, a slide whistle, and a couple of blow-up balls. She was very happy. Plus, she got to see her Great- Grandma and Grandpa Wenninger and the next day she got to see Grandpa and Grandma Whyte and Great-Grandma Whyte and Great-Aunt Becky (it's kind of hard to write all of those greats). And somehow on Monday she picked up the "na na's." It's hilarious, she'll just crawl around saying it. I swear, that girl cracks me up!
Today Ryan signed her up for the summer reading program at our library. It gives me something to look forward to this summer (if you don't count Phoenix and school.) I also signed up myself and Ryan. Ryan doesn't read much, but I really want him to finish so that he can get the canvas reading bag, because I want to use it!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Arrgh, Summer Reading Scruvy-dogs!
That'a right, Summer Reading Program has begun at the library. The official day is tomorrow, but tonight we started things off with a concert at the library. Sofia, Ryan and I attended and had a really nice time. Sofia enjoyed seeing all of the library ladies and especially all of the kids that were there. It was really cute watching Sofia while the ragtime bnad played, because she would clap her hands and then swing her arms back and forth with the music. Do we have a musician on our hands? Ryan is all for getting Sofia a drumset at some point (don't ask me why.) I think we're going to sign Sofia up for the SRP on Tuesday. Get her love of reading started early!
Other than that, nothing new has been going on. I did put water in her baby pool and let her play in it for a short time. I didn't keep Sofia in too long because the poor girl has goosebumps all over her body, and besides, she was more interested in picking up mulch off the patio than playing in the water.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, some pictures of Sofia. Of course I forgot to bring the camera tonight (when will I learn!).

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Crusty Nose

Poor Sofia. She's had a crusty nose for the past couple of days. Ryan's sick too and they spent the whole day together yesterday while I was at work. He said that she didn't eat much at all, only a few ounces of formula and a couple of bites of food. She seems to be doing better. In fact, she's become a little beggar. Everytime we're eating, Sofia stands by us and stares. Sometimes she reaches for the food or opens her mouth. I can't help but indulge her. Last night I was giving her lentils. And you know what? She liked them. I know there's that whole thing of waiting three days between new foods, but I just can't help letting her try things if she seems interested. (Of course I don't give her honey, seafood, nuts, or anything else that you're supposed to wait on.) She should be pretty safe, Ryan and I don't have any allergies. Besides, what do they do in other countries?
Okay, enough with my rant about food. (But I will take any advice anyone would like to give on the whole food front.)
Monday, June 4, 2007
Where are the Posts?

I know, I know...I've been slacking. It's either that or lack of anything exciting going on. Sofia's doing great. She went swimming in the pool for the first time last week. She loves it. I was so happy. She laughed and splashed and even stuck her whole face in the water.
Also, I'm happy to announce that Sofia is getting her naps again. She used to cry and stand in her crib until one of us came and got her to lay her back down. Now she has learning to sit down and lie down without any help. At night we've been putting her to bed and after a few minutes of playing she's out. It's so nice. I know some parents aren't quite as lucky as we have been, so I'm very happy of our circumstances even when they're not so pleasent.
So, there is one new thing with Sofia. Lately she's been carrying things around in her mouth and then crawling. It could be a washcloth, a sock, a plastic ring...whatever will fit. It's pretty funny to watch. We've got our own little puppy dog.

Since I haven't been posting, here are some pictures to tide you over.

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