Warmer weather has finally started to arrive in Ohio. We have a small back yard behind our apartment, with a thick "wall" of trees and bushes. Sofia has become fearless with the bushes and intentionally kicks her ball in, only to have to go after it and retrieve it. She's my little queen of the jungle.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Haircut
Sofia got her haircut on Thursday. Ryan was going anyway, so we all walked down to the salon together - Sofia even got to ride in her wagon. When we got in, it was empty so it wasn't a big deal to fit Sofia in. Check out the before and the after:

In the first picture, Sofia looks like Britney Spears's little hillbilly kids, but in the second picture she actually looks like a cute little girl. I think we'll be keeping this look for a while. I always wanted a little girl with long hair, probably because I always had short hair growing up, but when Sofia's hair gets long it gets all straggly and whispy. Not a good look, even on a cute toddler!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sofia definitely must get her love of art from Ryan. Yesterday, she found her watercolor paints (that were hidden in the pantry) and brought them out to me. I wasn't sure if I really wanted her to use them, make a big mess, and then I'd have to clean it up -OR- let her use them and say "to hell with it." Well, I chose the latter and I was blown out of the water (no pun intended). I put newspaper down on the table, filled a little cup with water, set out paper, and let Sofia go to town. She stood and painted for (and this is not an exageration) 2 HOURS STRAIGHT. Can you believe it? She even ate her lunch while painting. Plus, she didn't even make a big mess. I knew she would probably knock over the water at some point, so I put it in a plastic bin. That way, if it was knocked over, it would fall in the bin and not on the carpet. Smart, huh? When I would go over to look at her work, I told her, "What a great job! You're doing such a good job painting those pictures." To which she would reply, "I painting mommy. Now go sit on the couch." Uh - gladly.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sofia absolutely loves our friend Russ. He's the father of Genevieve, who is close to Sofia's age. Anyway, he came over last night because he and Ryan were going out. Sofia started showing off right away. "Hi Russ! Hi Russ!" "Watch me Russ!" She had to show off her princess dress, her new twirling ribbon. She tried to get him to do a puzzle with her, but as it was close to bedtime and Russ was really here to hang out with Ryan, I told him he could say no. The icing on the cake was Sofia asking Russ to read her a bedtime story. She curled up right next to him and listened to the whole story. It was sweet. (Russ-you can come over anytime and babysit since Sofia likes hanging out with you so much!)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sofia and I had the cutest conversation tonight:
(Sofia had just had a bath and I had her wrapped up in a towel on the changing table.)
Me: You look just like a sausage.
Sofia: No Mommy. I not a sausage. I Sobia. (that's how she pronounces her name)
Me: Are you sure you're not a sausage?
Sofia: No! I Sobia Woopee. (Sofia Lupi)
I just thought it was a funny conversation because I love to hear her say her name, now that she knows it.
(Sofia had just had a bath and I had her wrapped up in a towel on the changing table.)
Me: You look just like a sausage.
Sofia: No Mommy. I not a sausage. I Sobia. (that's how she pronounces her name)
Me: Are you sure you're not a sausage?
Sofia: No! I Sobia Woopee. (Sofia Lupi)
I just thought it was a funny conversation because I love to hear her say her name, now that she knows it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Princess of Style
Sofia has had the same pink princess dress since September. She alternates between it and a blue princess skirt everyday. We're talking morning and night. Her pink dress was originally last year's Halloween outfit and was all shiny and new, but now it's literally in tatters. Cinderella went from the ball back to her rags. So, tonight we finally decided to get her a new dress. I figure it's totally worth the $18 since she wears it all the time. Plus, it's big on her, so it'll last a long time (I hope). The new dress is really cute and even has wings (and it's purple, and purple rocks). Sofia was so excited to get the new dress that she had to put it on as soon as she got home.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sofia had her 2 1/2 year checkup today - even though we were at the doctor twice last week. She weighed in at a whopping 26 lbs. and is 36 inches tall. Because of her skinny little butt, all of her pants look like highwaters. Oh well, it can be quite fashionable - we'll just call them capris pants. She also seems to either be sick or has a reaction to her new antibiotics (WARNING! this could be gross) that seem to effect her pooh. The doctor warned us that is could turn her sh*t red, but he didn't mention that she would have exploding diapers. She hasn't had these since she was really little. And we're not talkinf once a day here people, oh no. We're talking 3 times just today. Three. The only plus side (if there is one) is that these diapers don't smell. I know, there had to be a silver lining. I'm hoping these exploding poohs don't continue much longer, but at least Ryan gets to hang out with her all day tomorrow while I'm at work and then class.
On a different, and much less disgusting note, Ryan and I had the whole weekend off together. I think this is the first one in probably 6-8 months. Sunday we took advantage of the free admission and went to the Museum of Art. Well, first we went out for breakfast, which we never do. I had been out the night before with a bunch of my college friends (I had a blast Mandy, Emily, Jenn, and Jessi!) so mommy was a little hungover Sunday morning. I had crashed the night before at Mandy's on her couch and even though I wasn't home, I still woke up earlier than usual - not fair. Anyway, I got back to the house around 10 am, we all got ready, and hit the road. Even though the Museum is free on Sunday's, I wanted to check out their Egypt exhibit, and that cost regular price. I went in knowing that we wouldn't get to sit and really look at things because Sofia would be all over the place, and I was right. She had fun and was actually pretty good. She was more into jumping and stomping her feet on the wood floors than looking at art, but that's okay. We got her cultured a little bit. Plus, she got lots of comments on her outfit - which was her silver sparkly pants, Dora Snow Princess t-shirt, and her blue princess skirt. She was stylin'.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Date Night
My friend Jessi is awesome. She offered to watch Sofia so that Ryan and I can go see the Watchmen tonight! Ryan and I have both been looking forward to this movie for months. We both have read the graphic novel (it's awesome, check it out) and have watched the trailers over and over. We plan on going to Easton and getting dinner first. I've had a couple of gift cards burning a hole in my pocket. Then Ryan has an AMC gift card that we can use. A virtually free date night - you can't beat that. Since the movie is almost three hours long, we're going to get dinner first. We have it narrowed down between a Japanese sushi restaurant or a Turkish cafe. I've been to the turkish cafe, but have never had sushi. I think I'll let Ryan decide, even though I know he'll want the sushi. He likes all of the crazy seafood like eel, squid, octopus, etc. I don't do seafood, but I will eat fish, so maybe we'll live on the edge and try something completely new. Thanks Jessi!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We Offer Fluff and Fold
I got the dreaded call at work on Tuesday. The one that always makes my stomach clench. Ryan calling to say something is wrong with Sofia. In this case, I guess she woke up after ten minutes of nap and started crying and wouldn't stop for over 20 minutes. She kept saying "I hurt, I hurt" but couldn't be more specific. I had noticed that the right outer corner of her eye was red and bloodshot a few days ago, and thought maybe this was what hurt. So, I called the doctor and Ryan brought her right in. Yup, it's pinkeye. On top of that, she also has an inner ear infection in her left ear, poor thing. The doctor prescribed anitbiotics (the awesome tasting pink bubblegum stuff) and we're supposed to give it to her for ten days. That's it. No drops, no other instructions. I did tell Ryan to wash all of Sofia's bedding and for us to make sure she's washing her hands all the time, just to be safe. But after that little crying episode, you'd have no idea she is sick. Go figure.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunny Days Are Here Again
Rather than pull Sofia along, I let her lead the show. We checked out the North American animals, and when she was ready to move on, she would let me know. She'd say, "Mommy, let's go. Let's go." She was scared of some of the animals, even ones that never bothered her before. On the other hand, she was terrified of the aquarium for a while, and today she had an absolute blast. She was running up to the window of the tank and her favorite fish were the sharks. Everytime she saw one she would run up to me and point them out. We were probably in there at least 20 or 30 minutes. I had a slight celebrity moment while in there as well. I was sitting looking at the tank when a little girl points to me and goes, "it's the library lady." Her mom said that yes, it is and then asked my name. It's always weird when I see people from my storytimes or from the library outside the library.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Pasta Pasta
Ryan makes the best homemade pasta (being Italian really helps) and tonight he and Sofia made pasta for our dinner. I came home from work and Sofia was helping make the dough and she was also helping roll out the dough. It was so cute and I can tell she will be like Ryan when she grows up.
(By the way, I finally uploaded my camera to my new computer. This computer is awesome, I can finally upload video as well!!)
Now that I don't feel so lazy, I promise to blog more.
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