Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where have I been?

And the cheese stands alone.

Wow, have things been crazy around here. I've been neglecting the blog because I feel like I'm going crazy! Too much to do. Sofia's birthday is over. We had a great time at the party on Sunday. It was a beautiful day and I was lucky enough to get the last shelter at the park. The only problem was I couldn't post any signs for people to find the party, but luckily everyone found the shelter in the end. Sofia had a blast playing with all of the other kids. It was great to get all of our friends together to celebrate such a special milestone. Sofia got some really cool gift and I even baked the cake. When we put her piece in front of her, she grabbed it with both hands and shoveled it into her mouth. Pure heaven!

We have one last party this weekend, Mom is coming in from Phoenix for the weekend so Sofia and I are going down to Cincinnati to see her. I can't wait!

Now I just need to get back to my schoolwork and get caught back up! I'm so far behind and it's only the third week. Of course Saturday was my day off and I got sick. I've been sick for the past four days. Okay, I'm done complaining and I'll promise to post more often.
Chelea and Sydney.
Sofia blowing out her candle. That's not a look of digust, it was good cake.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Sofia!

I can't believe Sofia is a year old today! Where has the time gone? I'm sorry to say that she started out the day at the doctor's office getting her year check-up. Here are the stats: weight: 18.3 lbs. (5th percentile); height: 28 in (15 percentile). Healthy and happy. Of course the worst part of the appointment was the shots. Sometimes I think they're worse for me then they are for Sofia. The good news, no more formula! Finally!

I tried to make the rest of the day special. After her morning nap, Sofia and I went to the pizza buffet and ate pizza and icecream. After that we went to Payless and I bought Sofia her first pair of shoes. They are so cute and she looks so funny trying to walk in them! Finally we headed to the pet store to look at the animals. All in all, I think Sofia enjoyed herself.
Opening presents from Mo and Margaret.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Getting Cultured

Yesterday Ryan, Sofia and I were getting cultured at the Art Museum. I always forget it's free on Sundays, and since it was we all decided to go. Sofia was so good. She would point at the paintings and jabber on. We let her walk around for a while, but she kept slipping on the floors. People kept commenting on how happy Sofia was and how cute. It makes me happy hearing those comments because it makes me feel as though I'm doing a good job!

This morning we went to storytime at the library. Sofia is definitely a lot more mobile and does not want to sit still and listen if she can walk. She was still good and would stand and listen to Miss Amy read the stories. My favorite parts are the songs, because Sofia starts dancing and shaking her hips. She had quite a few people laughing at her because she would just stand in the middle, right in front of everyone, and dance. She's such a fun, happy little girl. I can't believe she'll be one in only two days! Time flies by too fast.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


What's that spell? Cranky. That would describe Sofia perfectly. Plus let's not forget clingy and whiny. Oh, I love my little girl, I really do, but is it wrong to look forward to getting away from her some days? Seriously, the past two days I've been looking forward to Ryan walking in the door so that I can walk right back out. I'm hoping she's just teething and that this isn't anything permanant. I don't have any new pictures because who wants to look at a cranky baby?!

Just kidding...kind of.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Wow, I can't believe it's already September. I can't believe Sofia turns a year in 9 days. Where has the time gone? I'm sure I'll be asking myself that for the rest of my life. Sofia, Ryan and I got to enjoy some family time the past couple of days. For the first time in months Ryan and I both had two days off in a row. Yesterday, after I slept in until 11 a.m., we went to a pizza buffet for lunch. It was yummy! After that we went to Payless Shoes to see if we could find some for Sofia. We couldn't. When we measured her foot, she was right at a size 3, but those shoes felt a little tight. When I went to find some shoes in the next size up, they didn't have any cute ones, so I just passed on it for now. Next we went to the pet store to check out the animals. Sofia had a blast. She especially liked the kittens. Finally, we rounded out our afternoon with a trip to the grocery store. Sofia was in charge of holding a can of tomato paste, which she proceeded to drop over and over.

Today we went and visited our friends Russ and Vanessa and their little girl Genevieve. It's hard to believe how much of a difference four months really is. Sofia had fun chasing after their cats and exploring the new environment. I think all of the excitement made it hard for her to go to sleep tonight. The poor girl took about a half an hour to finally get to sleep. It's getting harder and harder for me to put her to bed. Usually I'm not home to do it, and at the same time I have a battle of feelings going on in my head. On the one hand, I'm glad she's going to sleep because I now have some free time to get things done, but on the other hand, I feel bad because usually she cries and it breaks my heart! One day it'll get easier.