I can't believe Sofia is a year old today! Where has the time gone? I'm sorry to say that she started out the day at the doctor's office getting her year check-up. Here are the stats: weight: 18.3 lbs. (5th percentile); height: 28 in (15 percentile). Healthy and happy. Of course the worst part of the appointment was the shots. Sometimes I think they're worse for me then they are for Sofia. The good news, no more formula! Finally!

I tried to make the rest of the day special. After her morning nap, Sofia and I went to the pizza buffet and ate pizza and icecream. After that we went to Payless and I bought Sofia her first pair of shoes. They are so cute and she looks so funny trying to walk in them! Finally we headed to the pet store to look at the animals. All in all, I think Sofia enjoyed herself.

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