I've been waiting and waiting for it to happen, and today it finally did. Adeline had an exploding poo. You might be thinking, "It's been almost 6 months and Adeline hasn't exploded out of her diaper?" That is correct. Well, to be more precise, she hasn't done it for me. Until today. I'm sure all mothers recognize the tell-tale grunt of poo explosion. Adeline was in her exersaucer and I heard her little grunt from the couch. When I lifted her out, I smelled it, but didn't see it. Sofia and I took Adeline into the other room to change her and when I first took off her pants and saw a little stain I couldn't help but think, "Hmm...that's not to bad." Oh how wrong I was. Once the pants were off and I unbuttoned the onesy, that is when the full force of the explosion hit home. Not only was it up her back, but up her front as well. Poor Adeline. I didn't know if I should just cut the onesy off or risk getting poo on Adeline's head and face. I took the onesy off over her head. What can I say, I'm a risk-taker. I got her into the bathroom with the special mommy-maneuver of holding the baby as far away as possible. After careful deliberation of two point oh seconds, I decided the easiest solution would be to undress myself and the baby a
nd hop into the shower together. What I didn't figure into the equation was the four-year-old wanting to join. I vetoed that request right away. Sofia was relegated to the sidelines, or in this case, peering into the shower and commenting on the situation. Adeline enjoyed her first shower experience. I was afraid I was going to drop her slick butt a couple of times, but we made it through. After getting her out, drying her off, and redressing her, it was my turn to take a "real" shower so that I could get ready for work. Again, this involved the audience of the four-year-old. After she watched me shave my legs (which have been neglected for too long), I heard silence. I peek out of the shower to see Adeline in her seat happily chewing on her hands and stuffed monkey and Sofia trying to shave her leg. With my razor. Wha!? It's so great to have a four going on thirteen-year-old.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sharing is such a wonderful thing. Except when it's not. Like this weekend at our house. We shared the gift that keeps on giving - stomach virus. It started with Adeline and then she didn't want her big sister to be left out, so she passed it on the Sofia. Poor Sofia. I think she got the worst of it. She puked on herself as well as the backseat of my car, herself, a couch cushion. We had to break out the "bucket." Which is really a bowl with paper towels in it, but we use it as a puke-catcher. Ryan slept out in the living room with Sofia all night, until about 5 a.m. when I heard him getting sick. I made it until Monday night, but mine was a pretty mild case. Sharing is caring, at least in this house it is.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Some of the things going on at our house:
- Sofia constantly saying, "Oh my god! Oh my god, mommy!"
- Adeline eating her toes (I only wish I could bend like that)
- My job interviews (you'd think I'd actually get one)
- Sofia was playing with Adeline. Adeline grabbed Sofia's hand and Sofia said, "Ewww...I don't want your baby slime Adeline." So now drool = baby slime
- Adeline is still not sleeping through the night. Partly my fault - when I only see her a couple hours each day, I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night at least once. By the second or third time, on the other hand, that's a different story.
These are just a few things that have been happening. Nothing too exciting, but stuff worth remembering.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
New Day, New 'Do
Thank the lucky stars I was able to get Sofia a hair appointment at 9 a.m. this morning. I was really afraid that she was going to go out today with her butchered hair. Ryan is taking her to a library program this morning at my library, and I really didn't want to be embarrassed. Here's a shot of the new 'do.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Worst Day Since Yesterday
Today has been one of the worst days in a long, long time. Here, let me show you:

6:30 a.m. Wake up to Adeline puking all over the bed.
8:30 a.m. Go to work
9:30 a.m. Get a call from Ryan. His car is broken. Again.
10:00 a.m. Leave work to go to the doctor.
11:30 a.m. Get back to work and try to arrange an appointment with a stomach specialist. Call Tuffy about the car.
3:00 p.m. Get a call from Ryan. Adeline keeps puking and has been sleeping all day.
4:00 p.m. Leave work, pick up Adeline at home, and take her to the doctor.
5:00 p.m. Adeline probably has a virus. Am instructed to give her Pedialyte. Go back to work.
6:00 p.m. Leave work. Pick up dinner and Pedialyte.
8:00 p.m. Feeding Adeline. Suddenly she projectile vomits all over me and the couch. She looks like Linda Blair from the Exorcist. Pass her off to Ryan, strip off my puke-covered clothes, clean the couch and get in the shower.
8:30 p.m. Out of the shower. I hear banging on the bedroom door. Sofia has locked herself in our room. I hear "Oh my God, what did you do?" Step out of the bathroom, look at the floor and see hair. Sofia's hair. Sofia gave herself a haircut. I'm not just talking the bangs like my older sister did at that age. I'm talking huge chunks out of the side of her hair. I can barely look at her without laughing/crying.
9:00 p.m. Call my mom, dad, and sisters to tell the story.
9:15 p.m. Can't handle it anymore. Go to bed with Adeline.
Here are some pictures of Sofia's lovely haircut.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I took Sofia and Adeline to storytime this morning before work. Since we were up at 7 a.m., I figured we had the time. Storytime was fun - Miss Jenny was great, as always - we got some books and left. Afterwards we went out to lunch, which lately has been my biggest vice. By the time we got home, I had about 20 minutes before I had to be at work. During that 20 minutes, I spent most of the time looking for Sofia's yellow blanket and turtle stuffed animal. I knew she had brought them to the library because I distinctly remember putting them in the basket of the stroller. I was pretty sure she brought them into the restaurant for lunch. After a quick call to both places, no luck. Sofia kept insisting that she had her yellow blanket, but I told her she was wrong. Finally, as I was leaving for work, I decided to check my trunk. Lo and behold, there was the turtle and blanket in the basket of the stroller, all folded up. I brought them inside and apologized to Sofia for saying she left them. Oh, and the blanket she brought with us? It wasn't yellow - it was pink. Oops.
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