Now that I'm working full-time, I really look forward to having the weekend off. Not that I do much. For example, today I did laundry, talked to my Mom on Skype, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed the floor, and took a nap. Not what you would call exciting, but I enjoyed it. The girls were both pretty good. Adeline didn't have anymore screaming fits like yesterday. She would cry for about 20 minutes, and then when she finally started eating, she would be sucking away and farting - so it must have been gas. I won't be eating cabbage again anytime soon.
Adeline is starting to play more. I got her to laugh earlier today. Usually this involved me rubbing my nose on her belly and tickling her armpits over and over again. When she does start laughing, it almost sounds like crying, but I can't help it. I'm addicted to hearing her giggle. She's also really started to go to town on her hand. She'll shove three or four fingers in there and the drool! It's everywhere. I even got it in the mouth the other day. (Note to self: do not do airplan with a drooling baby.) Adeline is just such a happy baby, constantly smiling. Sofia was a lot like that too, but now she cries more than the baby. No one ever tells you that four-year-olds will cry at the drop of a hat, or a chicken nugget on the floor. And she'll have real tears too. I should get Sofia into movies, I'm sure there's a need for children who can cry real tears.