So, I love Sofia - I really do. However, after the two of us have been stuck in the house for three days together, our relationship is wearing thin. Wednesday was a snow day, Thursday we did get out of the house for three hours. Ryan, Sofia and I went out to dinner at Max and Erma's had a really nice time. Sofia kept saying hi to a girl sitting at the next table. After dinner and a sundae, we went to the mall down the street. I haven't been to the mall since Christmas, so it was a quite a shock to see it so slow. We went to Barnes and Noble so that Sofia could play with the toy trains - which actually is her playing with trains for two seconds, running to the Dora books, jumping on the storytime stage, and repeat. Over and over. After this, we decided to go to the main part of the mall (because our's is now one of the fancy ones with an outside part and an inside part.) We took her to the kids play area and she had a blast. She's always been fearless when she played, but this time she was running, climbing, and jumping. She must have gone down the slide at least 20 times in a row. I wish that was an exaggeration, but it isn't. She kept going and going! Finally we left, only to realize it was ten til 9 p.m. Where did the time go? We got home, Ryan put Sofia to bed while I took an hour to get all of the ice off my car. It was a hard battle, but I finally won. We went to bed - only to have Sofia wake up at 3 a.m. crying. I guess all that playing and ice cream didn't sit well in her stomach because she threw up a little. So Ryan put her in bed with us, and after that she was wide awake. She kept talking and talking and talking. This lasted about 30 minutes before I decided to remake her bed and put her in it. By this time it's 4 a.m. and I have to get up in 3 and a half hours for work. I sleep. At 7:30 a.m., right inthe middle of me pushing the snooze alarm, my babysitter calls to let me know that she can't watch Sofia today. I love my babysitter and she's always reliable, so this isn't a big deal. I call my supervisor to let her know I will not be at work today.
On the one hand, I am happy for the extra two hours of sleep. But on the other, I really wish I was at work because I have a ton of stuff to do. I only work part-time, and we were closed Wednesday, which means I only work two days this week. Now, most people would not complain - I would only ask you which you would prefer?
Three house-bound days with a crazy two-year-old? or Nine hours working at the library with dozens of crazy kids and there parents? (Remember, the library people go home eventually, the two-year-old is always there.)
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