Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Remember when I said that I'll be posting a lot more once school was done because I would have the time? Well, I lied. Maybe I wasn't recognizing it as a lie at the time, but that's what it was. Whoops. School may be over, but I still am not done with my Christmas shopping. Sofia and I went out yesterday and braved the cold at one of those outdoor shopping centers. Poor Sofia's hands were ice cold. That was better than her later that night. Here's the back story. Almost every night, Sofia and Ryan have "couch time." This is when Ryan takes off all the couch cushions and Sofia runs back and forth, jumps up and down etc. Well, last night, fifteen minutes before bed, Sofia wanted "couch time" again. I helped her up and she promptly started pulling on the lamps. I pulled her back three times and then finally put her on the floor. Oh, the crying! And the tears!! And the jibbering of a language I could not understand. So, I put her back up on the couch. Where did she go? That's right, the lamp. So, I put her back down. And the tears and crying started again. Ugh....isn't this all supposed to happen when she's two?

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