Monday, November 5, 2007


Wow, I need a break from Sofia. She was doing good all day until an hour ago. For some unknown reason (unknown to me that is) Sofia got mad. She was mad because I wouldn't let her turn off the television. She was mad because I put her on my lap. She was mad because I wouldn't put her on my lap. Then she started crying. And cry and cry. The tears were streaming down her face as she walked woefully around the living room. Finally, I had enough and put her in her crib. She was quiet for about fifteen minutes and now she's in there talking to herself. I figure I'll just let her be in there until she starts to whine and cry to be let out. I'm still going to blame the time change on this one...or just one of those freak baby explosions. Either way, I hope this little "storm" has passed.

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