I know, I know, I'm such a blogging slacker. I'm sorry, I've just been so lazy lately. And now with the time change, argh! Luckily the change in time didn't effect Sofia too much. She got up at 8 a.m. and went to bed at 7:30 p.m. Nt bad. Although, what made this evening oh so special was Sofia pooping in the bath. It was bound to happen at some point, and at least she was just about to get out of the tub. That tub has been cleaned twice in two days, which I hate to admit is more than it usually is. I can't say cleaning the bathroom is on my top list of priorities. I try, I really do. (I really hope this doesn't deter people from visiting!)

I'm happy to say that Sofia is feeling much better. I took her to the doctor on Wednesday and she got the yummy pink bubblegum medicine. Which she loves. I wish we had some cool Halloween photos, but I had to work and Sofia was still feeling yucky. Ryan and Sofia went to our friend's Russ and Vanessa's place, but only stayed for about an hour. I'm really hoping next year will be a much more eventful Halloween.

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