No, I'm not back from some fantastic trip or anything like that. I'm back from being a slacker and not posting for a week. I know, I know...I'm sorry. I wish I could say that something exciting happened during my absence, but nothing did. Sofia is doing fantastic. She has really gotten good at walking and does it all the time now. She's starting to say daddy (sounds like dahhee) and mama, although I don't think she knows which title belongs to which person. We haven't been going anywhere since the weather has been so darn hot, plus I've been sick. I hate having colds in the middle of summer, it just doesn't feel right.
Today Sofia and I did get out the house for a couple of hours. We went to the library. We went to a different one than our usuals just so we could try something new. After that, we visited daddy at work and then went to Graeters and ate some icecream. Did I mention Sofia loves icecream. As soon as I put it in her mouth (mint chocolate chip), she started bouncing in her seat and rocking the high chair. She loves it that much, and I can't help but indulge her every once in a while. It's too much fun to feed her now while she'll still eat anything you put in front of her. I hope that things won't change, but I'm sure it's inevitable that one day she may become a picky eater. It'll break Ryan' heart.
Even though she's walking, and has both hands free, Sofia still feels the need to carry things in her mouth.
The most current facial expression.
This picture is just a little creepy...it's those eyes!
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