Thursday, July 26, 2007

Walking the Walk

Sofia is really starting to take off now. Just over the past couple of weeks, her confidence with her walking has greatly improved. I watch and sometimes I just can't believe she's doing it! She looks too small to be walking. I'm so proud of her and the fact that I have such a curious baby. She has discovered that by walking, she can carry things in her hands. It's much easier than crawling and carrying stuff in her mouth. Every day she just gets more and more fun. Like today, for instance, I put on some music to listen too. I've been sick of watching t.v. all the time so I took out some cd's for babies from the library. I put on Jim Gill's Irrational Anthem. This is a fantastic cd for toddlers and babies, we use it in our storytimes all the time. Anyway, as soon as I put the music on, Sofia started to dance. She shakes her arms and her whole body. I danced around the apartment like a goofball. At one point, she was poised to crawl down on her hands and knees, when her little butt started shaking to the music. Why, oh why do I never have a video camera ready?!

1 comment:

Rassi said...

Told you you had a bellydancer on your hands!!! Now I definitely need to find her a little coinbelt so she can shimmy. Every milestone is so much fun!

love to you both