If no one hears from me in a couple of days, it's because I'm in a whole other world, Harry Potter. I got the book yesterday, and read during my lunch break at work (and snuck little reads here and there while at the desk) and then read from 9 p.m. and didn't stop until I finished the book at 5 a.m. That's right, five in the morning. I couldn't put the book down. Since I was up so late reading, I slept in this morning and Ryan took Sofia to the toy store and the comic book store. Ryan is awesome.
Sofia has been fantastic the past few days. I took her to the library's Harry Potter party on Friday and she was so cute dressed as Dobby the House Elf. Did I take pictures? Of course not, but a couple of the librarians did and as soon as they send me copies, I'll post them. I made her a shirt out of a onesie that was cut up and then I made big ears. She kept the ears on for a while and got a lot of comments. As for the party, it was a huge success. I've never seen the library so packed with people. And it didn't let up for the whole time. There were a ton of kids, and adults, dressed in costumes. People were very impressed with the decorations. I only worked from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. and I was exhausted by the end. Heck, I was exhausted after the first 3 hours. Chelsea drove up from Cincinnati to come and check out the party and then babysit on Saturday. It worked out well because that meant I didn't have to run around and get Sofia ready before work.

Needless to say, today has been a very lazy day. We did some grocery shopping and then all took a nap in the afternoon. After Sofia ate dinner, and Ryan left to go see Transformers with Russ, I packed up Sofia and we went to the park. It was an absolutely beautiful evening. Sofia got to swing, she walked around in the grass, and tried to eat some grass and twigs. After that we went to get a smoothie at Cold Stone. Yum! Now I have to start Harry Potter over again. Yeah, you heard that correctly!

1 comment:
So glad everything went well with the party! We wanna see pictures of Sofia and you!!!
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