Oh. My. Goodness. Ever since Sofia discovered she could pull herself up and stand, that's all she wants to do. (Thanks Chelsea for helping her "discover" her new talent.) Since she can't stand on her own, mommy or daddy has to help. If we set her down, she cries. Plus, I just added fuel to the fire by teaching her to pull up on the crib railing all by herself! I am proud and terrified at the same time. Ryan thinks we need to lower the crib now, but I was quick to point out that a. she still can't get to a sitting position from lying down and b., I really don't want to break my back bending down even further to get her in and out of the crib. In the end, laziness won! Other than that little accomplishment, things have been going well. Sofia's been eating rice cereal every evening and loving it. She's been sleeping more, almost thirteen hours a night. I tell Ryan almost every day that we are very lucky that Sofia sleeps as much as she does and we should not take it for granted. We are so lucky to have such a good baby!
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