I know this blog is about Sofia, but man have I been feeling pretty lousy the past few days. I'll admit, Saturday was my own fault because Chelsea and I went out the night before and drank a little too much. But Sunday came and I was still feeling lousy and then by Monday, just in time for Sofia's doctor's appointment I was not doing well. If it wasn't coming out one end it was coming out the other. I know, that's gross, but I can't help it. I started feeling a little better today, but I was weak and dehydrated so I slept for most of the day. Thank God Ryan had the day off and he watched Sofia most of the time. Well, enough about me and my illnesses.
I can't believe how fast Sofia is growing and hitting her milestones. She can already sit by herself. She'll sit for long periods of time and the only reason she falls over is because she is usually lunging for a toy or something. Plus, Chelsea helped me discover that she is starting to pull herself up on things. If I sit her next to her exersaucer, she'll grab the edge, put her little legs underneath her, and pull herself up with minimal support from me. Plus, she tried to move towards the cat by "cruising" along the exersaucer too. However, I won't let her stand up alone because I don't want her to take a header into something. Pretty soon she's going to be crawling and walking and wow, time flies.
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