We got down there Tuesday evening, almost 10 p.m. Sofia slept the whole car ride and was bombarded by mom and Chelsea, so she didn't get to bed until close to midnight. Then, an hour later, she woke up (thanks to me trying to turn her head because it looked very uncomfortable how she was sleeping) and cried until after 2 a.m. I don't know what was wrong with her, altough my mom said she was probably so tired she didn't know what to do. Finally, I rocked her until she fell asleep and put her in bed with me and Chelsea. Thankfully last night was much easier! I'm glad I went down there too, because I got two free end tables out of the deal. My mom didn't want to take them to Phoenix, so I said I would take them (they match the wood on our couch and everything.)
Other than that, now I'm back at work. It's a pretty quiet night, which is nice, but I wish it was a little busier. I have all day off tomorrow, and then Saturday it's back to work and for Sofia, back to the babysitter. Which, by the way, seems to be working it out. They said Sofia was very good. She fussed for the first hour, but then fell asleep with Whitney, our babysitter's daughter, and after that she was very good. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this will last.

This is an older picture because I haven't had a chance to download the new ones.
By the way, I forgot to mention that Sofia had her four month checkup. She went to a new doctor, and I'm not sure how I feel about him. However, as far as her stats, she is 11 lb.s 4 oz. She is 23 and 2/3 inches tall. And she got four shots in her poor little legs. Luckily, Ryan was with me and was able to witness it all. Although, I must say, the shots weren't as bad this time around (at least not for me watching them). We go back in two months, and I'm going to give the doctor another chance.
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