Okay, so this will probably be a very gross post, but I can't help it, I have to tell someone. So, to begin, Sofia hasn't pooped in about two or three days. That's quite a while for her. Plus, I could tell she had been having some gas pains off and on, so Ryan and I really wanted her to poop. Well, today I had her playing on the floor and I turned her over so we could have some tummy time. All was going well until she got really quiet. She looked as though she was thinking really hard about something. Well, I smelled what she was thinking about, and then I heard the tell-tale sound. I was happy because I knew she would feel better, that is until I went to change her. If only she had waited one more hour, then daddy could have joined in the experience too. Oh, it was so, so disgusting. I never could have thought so much could come out of such a little person. Well, I won't gross you with any more details. (If you could only smell it, then you would know.) And I thought breastfed babies weren't supposed to be so smelly!

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