I swear, I am the worst person at searching for babysitters. I find numbers to call, or I have people I e-mail, and then I never call them back. What is wrong with me, seriously? Actually, I know the answer. I'm too afraid to find someone because I'm afraid to leave my daughter with a stranger. I'm sure that's a pretty common feeling. It's so hard to know who to trust. I've tried craigslist mainly, and I usually find a couple of viable candidates but I never follow through. So, what could be just a week or two of stress turns into weeks and weeks of stress. But how do you know who you can trust? (Plus, although it's hard to believe, I have a real fear of calling people I don't know on the phone.)
So, onward I look, and in the meantime I'll just complain about it to everyone (sorry everyone!)
I think Sofia is readjusting to life back at home. That'll only last for a few days because then we're off to Grandma Rose!! I could tell she was a little off today because she had a major poo for Ryan. I'm getting really good at training her to do that for him. Twice in two days, and daddy got to change them both!! I guess I would be pretty grumpy if I was clogged up.
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