Friday, August 15, 2008

Potty News

It's sad when the most exciting part of my day is when Sofia pees on the potty. I need to get a hobby. But seriously, yesterday Sofia peed in her potty three times yesterday afternoon/evening. She's starting to tell us when she wants to go, and last night she went in her romm alone, took off her pants and diaper, and went to the potty all by herself. That's a pretty big feat I would think. Now I've got stars in my eyes and am counting the days until she is out of diapers.

1 comment:

Mandy S. said...

carissa, that is not sad- that's SO EXCITING!!!! Give Sofia a huge hug for me. What a grown up little girl! I miss you guys at NWL so much...Come to WPK soon and bring her...I need a fix.