Sofia is being a terrible two. Yesterday was one of those days. Sofia was a turd (and I'm not afraid to say it). She was whiny, yelling for Dora the Explorer, saying she had to use the potty every ten minutes (but not using it). The kicker was right when Ryan came home she decided to pee in the potty and then pick up the little bowl and dump it on the floor. I was pissed. After that I had to get out of the house for an hour. I had been home with Sofia for 1o hours while Ryan was at work and I needed a break. So, I went to Target, bought a portable CD player with headphones (and no, I don't own an I-Pod or MP3 player, I'm still stuck in the mid-nineties), then I took my new purchase to the gym for half an hour. I came home a much saner mommy.

Today, knowing I would be home with Sofia all day alone again, I made the decision to go to the zoo. This is the third time we've gone in as many weeks, but it is so worth it. Well, except for the over-priced food and annoying kids, but that's fine. Sofia was pretty good and it was a perfect day for it- 75 degrees and sunny. The animals were out and about. And finally, for once, I did not get pooped on by a bird. Sofia did. It was kind of funny hand of course it was right after she had a full outfit change, but that's Murphy's Law for you!