Okay, I will definitely not win any Mother of the Year awards. Reason number 1: Saturday morning Sofia took a dive off of our bed. Granted, I wa in the bathroom at the time and Ryan was supposed to be watching her, but I still feel at fault because I put her in bed with him when he was only half awake. All I heard was a thud and then crying. Luckily Sofia wasn't hurt, only a scratch on her cheek and a cut on her lip. I felt terrible. Reaon 2: This one isn't my fault and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. Sofia was walking out of her room and tripped over her feet and took a face plant right into the corner of the wall. Oh the crying! Poor Sofia hit her nose. Now she has a bruise across the bridge of her nose to match the one on her cheek. She looks like she got into a fight!

Other than all of the accidents, things have been going pretty well. Grandma Rose and Grandpa Mark came and visited on Sunday. Sofia got a couple of early birthday presents and entertained everyone. She was on the go for almost three hours straight. She really enjoyed chewing on vegetables we had laid out. A piece of pepper in one hand and a carrot in the other, not to mention smashed goldfish in the palms of both hands. I'm still finding pieces of goldfish in the carpet.

After a fun day playing, I had to go to work and Ryan was watching Sofia. Sofia was not happy to see me leave. Ryan tried to pick her up, but she kept pushing off of his chest, trying to get down. Oh the crying! It was heartbreaking because she never acts this way when I leave, even when I leave her at the babysitters. Oh well, I guess it had to start sometime.

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