Well, there is no doubt in my mind that Sofia is definetly Ryan and my child. She's been playing and looking at her books more and more (that would be my influence) and she's also learned to get into the kitchen cabinets and has started playing with the pots and pans (that would be Ryan's influence.) She's getting into everything and I love it. It's really amazing to see how much she has learned and to watch her thinking behind her eyes.
So, three days until we leave for Phoenix! I'm so excited! On the other hand I'm nervous about the whole flying thing. Well, more so the whole packing and bringing a baby on the plane thing. I've been doing my research and have checked out the TSA site, but still. Wish me luck! If anyone has any advice on flying with infants, please feel free to comment. I'll take all of the advice I can get.
Plane tips: Obviously take something for her to suck on (bottle or sippy cup) for the elevation changes...I always have to have candy or gum, and I always get irritated when I see parents looking around wondering why their babies are crying..(DUH- their ears are popping!)
And the only other suggestion I can offer for traveling on planes with babies/kids is what I learned from my mom..."Give them some Benadryl. Works every time." (meaning we would all pass out)
Have a wonderful trip, Carissa! I'm sure you'll survive the plane trip. She'll love watching all the people. Can't wait to see you all again.
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