Saturday, March 24, 2007


Sofia and I spent the day shopping with my friend Beth. We almost spend it on the couch in our jammies, but instead we took advantage of the beautiful weather. We went to lunch at Panera, and Sofia got to sit in a high chair and continuously throw her toys on the ground and stare at a group of teenage boys behind us. After that we hit the stores. I was very good, only buying what I needed. I got my brother a gift for his birthday, which is today and picked up something for Ryan's birthday, which is next Saturday. After that, I had to go to Carter's. Oh that place will be the financial ruin of me! I only spent $20 on four outfits (I already had a $10 gift check). Oh, you should see these outfits!! I bought sizes that she'll be able to wear towards the end of summer into fall, but I can't wait. By the time we headed for home, Sofia had stayed awake for three hours in a row. Usually she can only go for two, but in the past few days, she's gone from three naps a day to two. This has been helpful for the times we need to go out during the day. Later this evening, our friends Russ and Vanessa came by with their daughter. Sofia was up for maybe an hour before we put her to bed. All in all it was nice day off.

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