Thursday, March 29, 2007

Back in the City

Sofia and I made it back to Columbus today and pretty early too. I knew her whole schedule would be thrown off, and it was, so she was kind of cranky and tired. Luckily she took about three naps before Ryan even came home from work. I will say, though, when that girl is tired, boy does she like to laugh. I happened to pick her up and got a whiff of the diaper. It was stinky. So I said as much. "Ewww, stinky diaper!" And Sofia started laughing. So I said it again, and again, and she just kept giggling as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. (What can I say, Mommy's a funny gal.) I love when she laughs, I just wish she did it more often. I could listen to it all day long. Usually I just torture her by doing the same action that makes her laugh over and over. Also, one other thing, Sofia took two little crawls forward today. She was doing the typical sit and lunge (sounds like some kind of exercise) and usually she just falls fowards onto her stomach. Not today! Today she moved her little arms forward two times before falling on her stomach. I know, it's not that exciting, but hey, it's all I've got!

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