Sofia has a new toy today. Ryan's chef gave it to us. It's an exersaucer, which, from what I hear, is an amazing invention in the world of babies. Sofia seems to like it. At one point, however, she stood up in it and couldn't figure out how to sit back down. The look on her face was priceless. Don't worry, I didn't let her panic too long.
Sofia and I went to the mall today. Just two girls on a shopping trip. It was nice to get out of the house. It was such a pretty day too. Finally the weather is starting to go above freezing which made it not a big pain to go out with Sofia. I couldn't get over how many people commented on her while we were at the mall. People talked about how pretty she is (which is true), what big eyes she has (which she does), how little she is for her age (which I don't get) and what a cute boy she was (which she isn't). We only ran across one crazy guy at the bookstore. He grabbed her little doll and started shaking it in her face. I'm sorry, but I would never take some random baby's toy and shake it in their face. But whatever. (He was also the one who thought Sofia was a boy, even though she had on purple socks, butterflies on her pants, and the doll he was shaking was pink.)
I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow night. Ryan and I are having a date for the first time since October. Okay, we did go the movies for two hours on New Year's Day, but this time we're going to the movies and Panera. One of Ryan's coworkers is going to babysit for us. I hope Sofia is good for Dawn, especially since she has to put her to bed, which I hope Sofia will cooperate. We've never had anyone besides us put her to bed. My biggest fear would be coming home around midnight, and Sofia still being awake. I'm sure that won't happen, but either way I'm sure I post it!
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