Poor Sofia is trying so hard to roll over from her stomach to her back, but she just can't quite do it. She gets so frustrated, starts to cry, and then just puts her head on the floor from the sheer exhaustion of it all. She'll get it one day. For now I help her by rolling her over.
I've been trying to keep my days exciting at home, but it's hard to do. Sometimes I feel like all I do is clean, watch the baby, shower, feed the baby, watch t.v., feed the baby. I've started to find some more toys to wave in Sofia's face. So far she's grasped a rattle and shook it (highlight of my day), put a teething ring in her mouth, and tried to put a stuffed butterfly in her mouth. So far, her favorite thing to put in her mouth is her fist. (I'm just waiting for the day she starts crawling and putting everything in her mouth.) Now that she's playing longer and more interested in things, it's a lot more fun.
Tomorrow the babysitter comes because I have to work my long day at the library. I'm sure I'll try to keep myself as busy as possible so I don't have to sit and think about her all day long. It usually works pretty well and I wind up calling Ashley only once or twice during the day. It's getting a lot easier as the weeks go by.
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