Let me just start off by saying that I think it is sacrilegious to not have trick-or-treat on Halloween night. Case in point, we had "beggar's night" tonight, a Thursday, as opposed to the actually holiday on Saturday. Why? Really, why? I just don't get it.

Okay, enough of that rant. Trick-or-Treat was so much fun tonight. Sofia was dressed as Tinkerbell. We went out on Sunday night and got the costume. She actually let me pull her hair back in a ponytail, which I would love to have her wear more often because it shows off her face. I digress. She was so excited about her costume, especially the pink hair spray and the make-up. What pink hair coloring has to do with Tinkerbell I'm not sure, but it worked.
We joined up with Russ, Vanessa, Genevieve, Vanessa's mom, as well as another family, and hit the road. The two little girls were so into getting candy. They would race up to a house together, get their candy, and then come back and say, "Okay, let's go to the next house." We walked around a neighborhood that was close to Russ and Vanessa's just because it had houses ans sidewalks, as opposed to condos and apartments. The neighborhood was really nice and the people were friendly. I just walked down the street wishing I could afford a house like those and thinking of all the fun decorations I could put up if I lived there.
We stayed out for the whole 2 hours. Sofia got a little cranky towards the end and only wanted to ride in the wagon. But, I will say, she did a lot of walking/running in the beginning. Both her and Genevieve were very possessive of their candy. We brought an extra bag to put the candy in when her little princess bag got to full, but it was such a battle to convince Sofia that we weren't stealing her candy, we were trying to help her get more. I can't wait to go through the candy and see what we, I mean Sofia, got.
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