Last Saturday we had our work Christmas party. It was a blast! There's nothing like partying and dancing at a library afterhours. Sofia was great. She really was a dancing queen. She was jumping, twirling, shaking her booty, and running around. She tried to become friends with two other little girls close to her age, but they didn't want anything to do with her. It was kind of cute, because the two little girls were dancing, and Sofia was standing by them waving saying, "Hi girls. Hi girls." Over and over.
Another funny part of the night. Some of my coworkers noticed that most of the kids were

running to the food table and grabbing cookies. Not my kid. Now, don't get me wrong, Sofia loves her cookies and she had her fair share, but at one point she must have gotten tired of them. She ran to the table but veered away from the cookies and grabbed... a huge hunk of broccoli. I love that girl.
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