Sunday, June 1, 2008


So, this happened on Wednesday, but I think it is worth mentioning. Drumroll please....Sofia actually pooped in the potty! Cue the bells and whistles. We got the potty for her a few months ago because she seemed kind of interested, and I thought what the heck. So, we let her play with it and occassionally she'll want to sit on it. Well, now she's started to tell us when she has already gone to the bathroom. This involves one of two ways of communication. Either pointing at her diaper and saying something nowhere near, "I peed." or "I pooped." The other way is her pulling off her diaper and pants by herself. We prefer the other method. Anyway, on Wednesday Sofia started to making her usual grunting noises and I hurried up and put her on the potty and surprise! Sofia was only mildly freaked out. But we flushed it down the toilet and then she got a cookie. She hasn't done it again, but still. Pretty cool.

Wow. I never thought I would be so excited about, well, poop. I need to hang out with some grown-ups.

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