Sunday, January 20, 2008

I will warn you, now that I've started school again, the posts will probably be few and far between. I will try, but no promises this time.

Alright, so I joined the gym this week, and I'm really excited to loe 30 lbs. I got the membership that allows for access to the Kid's Club, so my big plan is to go about 4 or 5 times a week, and 3 or 4 of those days I'm going to take Sofia to the Kid's Club for an hour. I figured it would be a piece of cake, but it was actually a lot harder than ot looked. I went on Wednesday for my first free personal training session. Sofia walked right into the kids area. It's an enclosed room with toys, televisions and video games, a cool slide/play fort thing, basically a lot of fun. Anyway, I went to my training session for a half hour and then decided to check on Sofia. When I peeked through the window, I saw her standing in a portable crib with another boy about her age, and both were crying. It just about broke my heart. So I went in and asked the girl why Sofia was in there and she told me that Sofia had been "really fussy." I don't know if it was the shock of seeing her penned in or the massive PMS, but it really bothered me. I stayed for maybe ten more minutes, but when I peeked through the window again and saw that she was still crying, I knew it was time to go. The rest of the day I was trying to convince myself that I was not a bad mother for taking her there. I had to rationalize that she would have to get used to that kind of situation one day and that it won't hurt her to be in a daycare situation a couple of hours a week. Right? I mean, I need the few hours alone just as much. I did go back the next day, and thing worked out a little better. Sofia walked right in again, which means she wasn't too traumatized. I did peek in after half an hour and the guy working the room was carrying her around (which made me feel better) and when I came to get her a half an hour later, the poor guy was sitting on a bench, still holding her. Oh well, at least she wasn't crying.

Speaking of crying, there has been a lot of that lately because Sofia is cutting more teeth. There's a molar that is already pooping through, and I think the one on the other side is getting ready to come through as well because that gum is awfully sore. Poor baby.

Anyway, as I promised, I now have pictures. Look back in the previous posts if you would like to see them, and I know you do!

No, this is not how Ryan normally styles his hair. The lady at the salon broke out the flat iron and hairspray and Ryan didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't normally wear it this way.

1 comment:

Rassi said...

Hey, I like his hair! He's got a Shane MacGowan thing goin on!