Wow, we've been busy. Sofia and I went down to Cincy on Saturday, first making a stop at Dad's. Sofia had fun chasing cats and playing with a box of dominoes. She also got to ride in a wagon for the first time. The funny thing was she wouldn't sit on the benches, she sat on the bottom. She rode on the bottom, holding onto the sides of the wagon, all the way to the park. After we left Dad's, we travelled on to Chelsea's place. Sofia was really good until it was time for bed. She started to freak out when I put her in her pack-n-play. I think it may have been the flashlight that was in the room (I didn't want it to be pitch black), but as soon as I turned it off, she went to sleep...until Nick walked in the front door. Luckily, Sofia didn't stay up too much longer. On Sunday we went to lunch, played at another park and then went to visit Jessica and her little girl Sydney. I hadn't seen Sydney since Sofia's birthday party, and I forgot how fast babies grow! She is so cute! She was making all of the cooing and ahhing noises that little babies make. Sofia was too busy chasing the cats and talking to the dog to pay attention to her cousin. However, Sofia did enjoy trashing Sydney's room. If she wan't opening drawers and dumping everything out, she was getting into the hamper. That funniest moment was with the closet. Jessica and I were looking in Sydney's closet. This closet has two doors divided by a frame. As I was standing there, looking at clothes, Sofia proceeds to push the door shut, which shut me in the closet. Then she moved to the other door and shut Jessica in the closet. It was really funny! All in all, it was a blast going home and seeing everyone! And now, pictures!

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