Sofia is finally feeling better after days of being sick. It started last Thursday with throwing up. Luckily, for me anyway, she waited until I had just left for class to let loose. Poor Ryan had to deal with it all. When I got home around 9 p.m., Sofia was laying on the couch, wearing nothing but a diaper, covered in blankets, and watching Dora with her arms behind her head. It was a little pathetic and amusing all at the same time. She threw up again Friday morning, so I had to call off work for the afternoon. (I went out the previous evening to get my dance on for a friend's birthday, but it didn't feel quite the same because I was worried about Sofia.) Saturday things seemed to go better, Sofia was perking up. Ryan and I had the day off and we went to the library. Sofia is obsessed with the computers and she ran around like she owned the place. We went out for a late lunch and then popped by the store to grab food for dinner. Sofia was such a trooper because she didn't even take a nap until 3:30, which is an hour and a half after the normal time. Sunday dawned bright and clear, Sofia was quiet and we watched lots of television. (Who am I kidding, we watch lots of television all the time). However, Sunday evening I got a nice surprise...Sofia puked on me. It was disgusting, to say the least. Finally, after throwing up again Monday morning (do you see a pattern?) I took her to the doctor. He promptly told me it was probably a virus (which I already figured out) and there wasn't anything they could do (which I knew as well). I knew Sofia was back to normal yesterday because she was back to whining and crying. Is it bad that I liked her better when she was sick?

All better!